Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tent Cities.....where are their families??

So, I'm watching all these You Tube videos
on the all of the tent cities popping up around our nation. Many in California and Michigan.....then I found one in Florida.....that hit really close to home
So, then I get thinking......I wonder if anyone I know is coming close to this. Fox news mentioned yesterday that 1 in every 8 homeowners are behind on their mortgages! One in Eight! Statistically, that would mean that I know someone......several in fact. What would I do? Why don't the people in these videos go live with family? Maybe that's why I don't really know of anyone right it the area and culture that I live in? Pretty much everyone I know has family that they could move in with or family that they might be taking in. I know it is very real possibility that my mother, brother and his two sons will be living with us if my mother ever looses her job. Given that she works for the retail chain Home Depot.....I'm sure that likely hood increases as unemployment and inflation go up!

I guess what I'm saying is, I know that there were a lot of tent cities during the great depression, but I wonder about the volume of tent cities 60 years later as 1) we have an increase in population and 2) we have such a huge destruction in the family unit.
