You know it's amazing how much in life never really changes. When we are young.....teenagers, we experience so much and our world is opened to the reality of lifes beauty and uglyness. Then our 20's come....we mature and maybe hit a time of idealism due to the fantasy of what life we want to build for ourselves. Time passes.....the life you built is there......time know that YOU have changed physically, matured emotionally, grown intellectually, etc.
Then.....comes an opportune time for Satan to step in. He knows the truth about each of us and I think watches us with such a keen eye. At that opportune moment he puts you in a position that he knows is ALL YOU. And it all you because although we've done all that growing these years, we are still basically the same! The things we like, enjoy, get us upset, get us turned on, whatever, he knows!
Then, at that Moment that he has been patiently waiting's all there....just waiting for us. Hopefully, during that 'building time', we were also building our faith and relationship with God......because it is only through his strength that we are able to make the RIGHT choice!
The funny thing is that there is a little comfort in knowing that things really never change! The same things that made all those EXPERIENCES for us in our teens, are still there in our thirties......and I have to guess, 40's, 50's..... That inate thing about people that drives our instincts....its always there and never changes!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Exciting Prospects
So, I started training for my volunteer position with a local Pregnancy Crisis Center. I thought the week long training would be kind of boring and maybe just give lots of info into the center and what they do, but NO! And its great! Ya know, I LOVE being a therapist! I love pathology, trying to figure people out, why they make the choices they do and then help them find new ways to think and cope......its a great feeling.....its my thing....and I've really missed it.
Although I won't be working as a full-time therapist.....I'll still be able to hone my craft, help people and feel as though I'm using ALL that schooling! I'm super excited about the possibility of counseling abortion minded, lost, hopeless, fearful, needy, scared women and hope.......selfishly I guess........that I'll get something in return.
Maybe just some fulfillment that being a stay at home mom doesn't always provide. Although, I know my job right now is the most important one on earth and one that I wish more mothers would choose, I see how the pull of exterior desires work to have us look somewhat outside our homes for fulfillment. I am careful to pray, however, that my enjoyment of it will only make me appreciate the fantastic opportunity I have to stay at home and raise my children.
Although I won't be working as a full-time therapist.....I'll still be able to hone my craft, help people and feel as though I'm using ALL that schooling! I'm super excited about the possibility of counseling abortion minded, lost, hopeless, fearful, needy, scared women and hope.......selfishly I guess........that I'll get something in return.
Maybe just some fulfillment that being a stay at home mom doesn't always provide. Although, I know my job right now is the most important one on earth and one that I wish more mothers would choose, I see how the pull of exterior desires work to have us look somewhat outside our homes for fulfillment. I am careful to pray, however, that my enjoyment of it will only make me appreciate the fantastic opportunity I have to stay at home and raise my children.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Snowball Sin
I'm just keep thinking about the incredible snowball effect of sin. It's amazing that it's always's so easy to be in denial about, but no matter what instance we look always happens. It's like 'A and B' will always lead to 'C'....they are attached. It's inevitable..... So, if we are given 'A', we just can't even contemplate 'B'. Why? Because of what I just said. Its exactly why the Lord is so clear in his word to be careful of our thoughts.
Some once said it very well. Our thoughts become words. Our words become actions. Our actions become habits......then it's really hard!!! If we have 'A and B' which lead to 'C' then 'D'.....and on and on.....imagine what a fight we have on our hands now! We have to be thankful and satisfied with the blessings of 'A' and not go looking or even contemplate on 'B'.
I think this idea could be applied to just about anything that God gives us and it's easy to become distracted by 'B' if our feet are not firmly planted and our thoughts are not where they are supposed to be....on God. An empty space IS a place! Human nature will want to fill it with something and Satan is all too eager to give suggestions!
Some once said it very well. Our thoughts become words. Our words become actions. Our actions become habits......then it's really hard!!! If we have 'A and B' which lead to 'C' then 'D'.....and on and on.....imagine what a fight we have on our hands now! We have to be thankful and satisfied with the blessings of 'A' and not go looking or even contemplate on 'B'.
I think this idea could be applied to just about anything that God gives us and it's easy to become distracted by 'B' if our feet are not firmly planted and our thoughts are not where they are supposed to be....on God. An empty space IS a place! Human nature will want to fill it with something and Satan is all too eager to give suggestions!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Madeline Read Today!!
Wow! It was so fantastic. LaDawna was telling me yesterday about a program they are doing with her 2 1/2 year old and she is now reading about 5-6 words. I kinda made me wonder about the phonics approach I had read about, studied about and was using with Madeline. I hadn't really taken the time to test her knowledge yet. I guess I figured she just needed more time....then again, the fact that she could point to more states on a map at two than I could at thirty two, should have clued me into her abilities! Anyway, we pulled out a couple of the beginning phonics books and bam! Some of them were site words that she just knew and then we got to the word map and you could see her stop...look at it....and then sound it out!! M-A-P!! Jason and I just about fell out of our chairs!!! What a great day to get to experience that with my child, especially.....can I mention the satisfaction of knowing that I taught her to read! Thank you God for the blessing of getting to be a stay at home mom and the blessings of healthy, smart, wonderful children!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Can't wait till the 20th is over!
OH My Gosh! I can't wait until tomorrow is over and the all the Obamagasims stop! At least the endless viewing of it on every news station! How dissapointed people are going to be when they realize that he isn't the Messiah! Ya think once the bank runs start, the food riots begin, the dollar collapses and he enacts marshall law (thanks a lot Bush) that his approval ratings will still be 79%? Honestly, I do hope the man does well and I would never wish harm on him, but seriously, could people just learn the truth about what he wants to do! So they think he's modeled after Lincoln, uh? People don't even know the truth about Lincoln except the warm fuzzy stuff they read in textbooks (liberal textbooks). Just had to have a little rant........I'm sure there will more before the sun sets tomorrow! Oh yea, and the new SOLAR generator arrived. I'll be sure to let everyone know how it works.....very cool!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Great Explanation
This guy explains things very well! I know Jason has kinda given up at this point trying to inform people so they will prepare, but I still hold out hope that all the sheeple will wake up and begin to prepare to feed, clothe and protect their family during the time we are headed into.
This guy explains things very well! I know Jason has kinda given up at this point trying to inform people so they will prepare, but I still hold out hope that all the sheeple will wake up and begin to prepare to feed, clothe and protect their family during the time we are headed into.
Friday, January 16, 2009
First Time with my Dutch Oven
Oh my was so great. I just got my dutch oven this week and couldn't wait to get started. I was sure to do my research (youtube style) and figure out how to cook with the thing and badabing! There are a few things I would do differently next waiting for the flames to go down on my camp fire and not catching the chicken grease on fire when I opened the lid to check on it....missing a few arm hairs now! All in all it was wonderful and I can't wait to make a pot roast and some desserts in it! FYI chopping wood is not for sissys! Next time I'll wait till Jason is off work!
New to Facebook
I'm loving this FaceBook thing! It seems like everyone is on it and I'm finding all kinds of people that I haven't spoken to or seen forever! Super Cool.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
It feels good to be validated!
Wow! Sometimes is feels so great to have an unexpected experience that confirms your stance on something so important. I had a meeting with a pastor in town this morning, about a completing different subject, but our converstation turned......and wow!
Jason and I go so long only having these kinds of conversations with a family member here and there or someone online with one of the organizations we belong to.
The pastor was totally up to speed on our countries quick spiral to a one world currency, our production of fiat money, the debasing of the dollar, the unconstitutional and 'not federal' Federal Reserve, the soon to come food riots, bank runs and crime and anarchy in the streets. The purposeful dumbing down of americans in government schools and to top it all off.......the way the majority of americans are just sheep being herded for the slaughter because we either "don't believe it gonna happen" or just want to plain live in denial about how bad it's about to get! Our country is headed for a revolution!
Fortunately, he helped confirm for me how we can always prepare for what we know is coming as long as we are not doing it out of fear and of course always operating out of the knowledge that God will provide for his followers. Awesome! As Jason says........the four G's
God, Groceries, Guns and Gold! Preparation
Jason and I go so long only having these kinds of conversations with a family member here and there or someone online with one of the organizations we belong to.
The pastor was totally up to speed on our countries quick spiral to a one world currency, our production of fiat money, the debasing of the dollar, the unconstitutional and 'not federal' Federal Reserve, the soon to come food riots, bank runs and crime and anarchy in the streets. The purposeful dumbing down of americans in government schools and to top it all off.......the way the majority of americans are just sheep being herded for the slaughter because we either "don't believe it gonna happen" or just want to plain live in denial about how bad it's about to get! Our country is headed for a revolution!
Fortunately, he helped confirm for me how we can always prepare for what we know is coming as long as we are not doing it out of fear and of course always operating out of the knowledge that God will provide for his followers. Awesome! As Jason says........the four G's
God, Groceries, Guns and Gold! Preparation

After Vera had me up this morning WAY before the sun even had enough sense to be up, I kept watching and reading about our Pres-Elects (Ms Browner) who will be in charge of MAKING us all more 'green', was a leader for a large socialist group and believes wholeheartedly in a collectivist one world goverenment. Another pick, (Mr. Geithner) is suppose to be the treasury secretary and yet "doesn't remember" to pay his own taxes. Or truth be told, was just to crooked to do so until made too.
Now all the banks that we've bailed out are taking my money and giving it to pay for his 95 million dollar inauguration! Shouldn't I get to choose whether my tax dollars pay for abortions (Planned Parenthood), bailing out Hustler magazine and Girls Gone Wild, braindead CEO bonuses, or inauguration parties for the man helping to usher in the new Socialist America (New World Order, North American Union.....whatever you wanna call it soon).
I guess once the "bank holidays" happen, and the dollar fully collapses it won't matter anyway! Isreal wants our aid, but wants it in Euros and not the dollar???!!! Geesshh! Unfortuately, now that the elections are over all the sheep have gone back to sleep and no one is really keeping tabs except for the same ol' ones. I hope we all keep's happening fast people. Anyway, just thought I'd do a little rant first thing this that Vera is back to sleep and the sun is up :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I'm so excited to have friends that know more than I do...especially about the computer and all the cool things I can do to stay in touch. This should be a super great way for all of you (friends and family) to see what we are up to! I hope all of you enjoy my blog......and give me any advice you have. I know some of you will be great at that :)
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