After Vera had me up this morning WAY before the sun even had enough sense to be up, I kept watching and reading about our Pres-Elects pics....one (Ms Browner) who will be in charge of MAKING us all more 'green', was a leader for a large socialist group and believes wholeheartedly in a collectivist one world goverenment. Another pick, (Mr. Geithner) is suppose to be the treasury secretary and yet "doesn't remember" to pay his own taxes. Or truth be told, was just to crooked to do so until made too.
Now all the banks that we've bailed out are taking my money and giving it to pay for his 95 million dollar inauguration! Shouldn't I get to choose whether my tax dollars pay for abortions (Planned Parenthood), bailing out Hustler magazine and Girls Gone Wild, braindead CEO bonuses, or inauguration parties for the man helping to usher in the new Socialist America (New World Order, North American Union.....whatever you wanna call it soon).
I guess once the "bank holidays" happen, and the dollar fully collapses it won't matter anyway! Isreal wants our aid, but wants it in Euros and not the dollar???!!! Geesshh! Unfortuately, now that the elections are over all the sheep have gone back to sleep and no one is really keeping tabs except for the same ol' ones. I hope we all keep up.......it's happening fast people. Anyway, just thought I'd do a little rant first thing this morning..........now that Vera is back to sleep and the sun is up :)
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