Thursday, January 15, 2009

It feels good to be validated!

Wow! Sometimes is feels so great to have an unexpected experience that confirms your stance on something so important. I had a meeting with a pastor in town this morning, about a completing different subject, but our converstation turned......and wow!

Jason and I go so long only having these kinds of conversations with a family member here and there or someone online with one of the organizations we belong to.
The pastor was totally up to speed on our countries quick spiral to a one world currency, our production of fiat money, the debasing of the dollar, the unconstitutional and 'not federal' Federal Reserve, the soon to come food riots, bank runs and crime and anarchy in the streets. The purposeful dumbing down of americans in government schools and to top it all off.......the way the majority of americans are just sheep being herded for the slaughter because we either "don't believe it gonna happen" or just want to plain live in denial about how bad it's about to get! Our country is headed for a revolution!

Fortunately, he helped confirm for me how we can always prepare for what we know is coming as long as we are not doing it out of fear and of course always operating out of the knowledge that God will provide for his followers. Awesome! As Jason says........the four G's
God, Groceries, Guns and Gold! Preparation

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